Bachelor of Arts

Is a Bachelor of Arts degree right for you?  One of the concerns of an incoming college freshman is what courses to take and what degree to work towards. Sometimes, there is not enough available information especially on the distinction between a Bachelor of Science and a Bachelor of Arts degree. In this article, the important aspects of a Bachelor […]

Bachelor of Science

A Bachelor of Science (BS, or in Latin, “Scientiae Baccalaureus”) course is oriented towards producing graduates that have knowledge in the physical sciences. It is generally a four-year undergraduate degree with a choice among several disciplines as the major field of study. The most commonly known of the BS courses are the natural sciences, engineering, computer science, and mathematics. There […]

Higher Education

For plenty of students in today’s world, a primary and a secondary education are merely instruments of getting into a college or a university. Students are required to complete these levels of education in order for them to qualify for admittance to an institution offering degrees in higher education. Higher education is any of the levels of education pursued after […]

BA Degree

A BA Degree refers to the degree given to graduates who have focused their studies on the fields of liberal arts and the humanities. In many ways, students pursuing a BA degree enjoy more flexibility with regards to choices of classes offered and, generally speaking, have a broader range of study than those in the Bachelor of Science. When deciding […]

Paralegal Salary

If you are curious about the paralegal salary you can expect and duties required of you once you complete your education, read on!  Paralegals work as assistants to lawyers. They are often in charge of writing legal documentations and research; their legal capacity, however, is very limited compared to lawyers.  A Paralegal is someone who is eligible through training, education, […]

AA Degree

An Associate of Arts degree, or AA degree, is a two-year course offered at community colleges and other colleges and universities who may also offer bachelor’s degree courses. It equips individuals with knowledge in the fields of social sciences and the humanities, and prepares students for transfer to a bachelor’s degree program in the same fields. While many students utilize […]