Physical Therapy Degree Requirements

Want a new job in a booming industry? You may want to look into physical therapy degree requirements. Indications from various government projections reveal the fact that career prospects in physical therapy are experiencing a huge boom. Along with the advancement in the field of medical science, physical problems of people are also varying in multitude. This is the reason why rehabilitative treatment is gaining huge importance and is also experiencing growth. Depending on the change in medical necessities, physical therapy degree requirements have recently undergone many positive changes.

Physical therapists are the people who offer rehabilitation services to the people suffering from injury, developmental disabilities and illness of various kinds. Students seeking to build a sound career in this field are typically required to complete a master’s degree program in physical therapy. Some of them, of course, end up continuing on to the doctoral program in order to bolster their resume. Physical therapy degree requirements include maintaining a good academic record, possessing good knowledge and interest in human physiology, biochemistry and the desire to help people in close contact of various types.

Physical therapy degree requirements in the Bachelor Degree phase necessitate the students to have a thorough knowledge of anatomy, biology, physiology, physics and organic chemistry. You will also need to take statistics, trigonometry and algebra. The physical therapist education requirements and courses vary by school and state, but will be fairly similar.

Musculoskeletal assessment, rehabilitation, clinical physiology, massage, neuro-anatomy, electrotherapeutic modalities, physiology of exercise, therapeutic exercise and mobility training are some common physical therapy degree requirements as far as the course curriculum is concerned. A graduate in physical therapy can opt for transitional master’s degree or direct master’s degree program. Along with concentrating on other higher specialization areas, students also need to attend professional development seminars and clinical seminars. Although a skilled physical therapist needs wide knowledge in Geriatrics, Pediatrics and Orthopedics, specialization in at least one of these is a must.

If you are looking for a career in a growing field, one that needs quality professionals, physical therapy may be a good option for one to consider.