BA Degree

A BA Degree refers to the degree given to graduates who have focused their studies on the fields of liberal arts and the humanities. In many ways, students pursuing a BA degree enjoy more flexibility with regards to choices of classes offered and, generally speaking, have a broader range of study than those in the Bachelor of Science.

When deciding whether to enroll in a Bachelor of Arts program, there are many things to consider. This article discusses the salient points of a BA degree and how any student can determine if pursuing the degree is proper for him or her, or if he or she should consider enrolling in a BS degree program instead.

Bachelor of Arts, BA or sometimes even AB for its Latin equivalent focuses its studies in the field of liberal arts and the humanities. Some of its major classes required are in Economics, English Language, English Literature, Geography, History, Psychology (as distinguished from a BS Psychology program), Sociology, Political Science and Social Studies. In a BA degree program, students are allowed to choose a major but can also opt to study other fields of specialization. A BA degree program usually includes elective subjects in its curriculum for this purpose. This is unlike a BS degree program that more often than not has very rigid requirements and involves more coursework on the major subject. A BA degree program focuses on general and theoretical knowledge. Some BA degree programs even require their students to enroll in a foreign language class.

It takes anywhere from three to five years to finish a BA program. The number of credit hours required to finish the program can vary from institution to institution. Moreover, there are colleges and universities offering only a BA degree on a certain course of study, such as psychology.  Students who believe that their intended career paths require the BS degree should try their luck with another institution.

The cost of enrolling in a BA degree program is usually lower than in a BS degree program, owing to the latter usually requiring laboratory research. However, research is not completely unheard of in a BA degree program. There are fields of specialization in this type of degree that require that their students conduct a kind of research.

Because of the diversity in learning that students in a BA degree program enjoy, graduates of it are often free to explore many different jobs in the field that they have majored in. In fact, they are not limited to a specific discipline but are well rounded enough to move from one kind of job to another. It may also be this lack of specialization that allows critics to dismiss graduates of a BA degree program as unreliable. Of course, like any other criticism, this is better aimed at a particular person, as his character or work ethic deserves, than his having completed a BA degree program.

A student considering pursuing a BA degree should do well to consider his or her passion and interests, as well as his skills and strengths. Consider talking to a career advisers or taking a career aptitude test to make the choice easier.  Generally speaking, a BA degree is going to look good on a resume, and should make you more marketable to potential employers.